FTP Client
Ftp.open <url_sexp>, <port_nexp>, <user_sexp>, <pw_sexp>
For example: ftp.open "ftp.laughton.com", 21, "basic", "basic"
Disconnects from the FTP server.
Ftp.put <source_sexp>, <destination_sexp>
Uploads specified source file to the specified destination file on connected ftp server.
The source file is relative to the directory, "
The destination file is relative to the current working directory on the server.
Ftp.get <source_sexp>, <destination_sexp>
The source file on the connected ftp server is downloaded to the specified destination file on the Android device.
Ftp.dir <list_nvar> {,<dirmark_sexp>}
A directory is identified by a marker appended to its name. The default marker is the string "(d)". You can change the marker with the optional directory mark parameter
The following code can be used to print the file names in that list:
ftp.dir file_list
list.size file_list,size
for i = 1 to size
list.get file_list,i,name$
print name$
next i
Ftp.cd <new_directory_sexp>
Changes the current working directory to the specified new directory.
Ftp.rename <old_filename_sexp>, <new_filename_sexp>
Renames the specified old filename to the specified new file name.
Deletes the specified file.
Ftp.rmdir <directory_sexp>
Removes (deletes) the specified directory if and only if that directory is empty.
Ftp.mkdir <directory_sexp>
Creates a new directory of the specified name.
File Commands
File.delete <lvar>, <path_sexp>
The file or directory at
The default path is "
Returns the names of the files and directories in the path specified by
The names are placed into Array$[]. The array is sorted alphabetically with the directories at the top of the list. If the array exists, it is overwritten, otherwise a new array is created. The result is always a one-dimensional array
A directory is identified by a marker appended to its name. The default marker is the string "(d)". You can change the marker with the optional directory mark parameter
Dir is a valid alias for this command.
Reports if the
The default path is "
Before you can use a directory, the directory must exist. Use this command to create a directory named by the path string
The new directory is created relative to the default directory "
To create a new directory, "homes", in "<pref base drive>/rfo_basic/data/", use the path "homes/", or simply "homes".
To create a new directory, "icons", in the root directory of the SD card, use "../../icons".
Mkdir is a valid alias for this command.
The file or directory at old_path is renamed to new_path. If there is already a file present named
The default path is "
The rename operation can not only change the name of a file or a directory, it can also move the file or directory to another directory.
For example:
Rename "../../testfile.txt", "testfile1.txt"
removes the file, testfile.txt, from "
Rename is a valid alias for this command.
Returns the canonical path from the file system root to "
The size, in bytes, of the file at
Returns a one-character type indicator in
"directory" – path names a directory
"file" – path names a regular file
"other" – path names a special file
file does not exist